From Fashion + Beauty enthusiast to speaker and life coach. One of the first in the UK youtube sphere to produce engaging content and now 300K subbies later she’s here to let us in on industry insiders that others are afraid to speak up on.

From videos on “How to be happy single” to “Beware of brands and their fake inclusivity” Her opinionated character is what has allowed her to stay ever so relevant in the game for so long. Read below her thoughts on the current state of the over-saturated industry.

You have been in the youtube game for quite some time now, how do you feel the influencer market has changed from when you started out to now?

It was much more just for fun and just for creating purposes before, and literally because we just wanted to. Now its all money motivated and a very saturated industry at the moment. People are only trying to get recognised, and you can tell because the quality and authenticity of content has gone down.

What do you think has been the reason you have managed to stay so relevant on Youtube even with the over saturation?

I reinvented myself quite a few times, therefore I have not always stuck to what I always do. I moved away from fashion/beauty/hair and moved towards lifestyle – this is where my audience grew faster and where I suddenly found my niche. Finding your niche is incredibly important to staying relevant.

Your channel started mainly as a beauty and hair channel, however you have developed into more of a confidence/self love channel – What was it that made you change up your channel in this way?

At this time before I switched my channel up I was on 40K subscribers. I was questioning my purpose and felt that the content I was producing was not fulfilling enough. At the time of the change, I was losing passion so I asked God for direction. The first talking video that I done did very well so I knew I was definitely onto something.

Two years ago you had a special segment ‘Soul surgery’ where you shaved your hair off and went without make for a period of time. What was this period of your life like? And how did you feel knowing you were motivating others to be more confident in their natural beauty?

I always say that whatever I produce on youtube is a reflection of my heart. At this time of my life, this was something that I needed to do for me and thought why not bring everyone else along the ride. I never found a video online of someone feeling the same, so I was very surprised when I found out shortly after releasing the first video that there are people going through the same thing as me.

You made a video a while ago about the quarter life crisis that you faced and what quite a lot of mid 20’s go through. How did you manage to pull yourself out of that? And what tips do you have for others who may feel that they are going through that currently themselves?

I would say to make sure you take the pressure off yourself. 20’s is the time to get things together and you will not get everything together now or instantly. This is the time to put the work in, it’s similar to going to the gym and hoping to see instant results – it doesn’t work like that. Lastly, don’t let the internet rush you.

What has been your biggest motivator for staying in the Youtube game? And what challenges have you had to overcome? 

My followers have been my biggest motivators as I feel a responsibility and I feel that it is definitely above me now. Knowing that my content is helping just one person keeps me going. People always tell me that my content has changed their life and it made them break up with someone they was not meant to be with. I would say a challenge would be consistency, even when I don’t feel like it I have to keep going – it always pays off eventually.

Who would you say are some of the people you look up to the most in the Youtube industry?

Definitely Patricia Bright and in the US Jackie Aina. They prove that literally anything is possible.

Your style is super put together and classy, where do you get your inspiration? 

My outfit is usually inspired by what hairstyle I’ll be rocking. It really depends on how I feel but my style does change quarterley. I do like to have statement pieces, so I like to work around that.

In a recent video, you discussed brands and their ‘fake’ inclusivity/diversity – How important do you feel it is as an influencer to speak up about things that happen behind the scenes regarding campaigns that no one else wants to speak up about? 

My channel is all about authenticity and one thing I cannot stand is lies. I have front row seats to see things that my followers cannot see. I’m a very opinionated person and would not work with a brand that wants to silence me. I’m not desperate and it’s the brands that need us we don’t need them.

What are your goals for the remainder of 2019?

I have a big project that I’ve been working on that will be released very soon. I also have a book coming out which is all about dating, so hopefully by the end of the year I will also be an author.

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