We all know that indoor tanning is a no-no, and spray tans can be a hassle, so how can you achieve a faux glow without risking your skin in the sun? The answer is – fake tan and/or gradual tanning moisturisers!

Here are some tips for you self-tanners at home to keep your tan looking as fresh and flawless as possible.


Before you apply self-tanner, it is essential that you exfoliate. Make sure to exfoliate all of your dry areas, primarily your elbows, ankles, and kneecaps. If you don’t exfoliate then your tan will stick to these dryer areas leaving your tan looking patchy and darker in these areas than others.

Shave at least 24 hours before you tan

If you’re wanting to shave before you apply your tan, then try to do it a couple of days to 24 hours before. Make sure to end your shower with a nice cold rinse to close up your pores so that your tan does not cling to your pores leaving a ‘dotty’ appearance.

Make sure you aren’t wearing deodorant/perfume 

It is so important that you avoid wearing deodorant or perfume when you tan – try to remove all traces of the product before you apply your tan. The aluminium in the products make your underarms turn green with fake tan, which will definitely stay for a few days—not pretty!

Remove your old tan

Always remove your old fake tan before applying a new layer. Again, this will leave your tan appearing patchy rather than flawless and radiant like it should. Traces of your old tan can clump together with your new layer leaving it with a ‘muddy’ appearance.

There are thousands of tan removers on the market that it can be difficult to know which one to purchase. For recommendations for a good tan remover without the hefty price tag, I would recommend the ‘Tough Stuff’ by Cocoa Brown.

The super effective Tough Stuff Body Scrub from Cocoa Brown removes stubborn traces of old tan, leaving you with silky smooth skin and prepped for your next tan application. It also works hard to leave the rough areas of your body like your hands, knees, elbows, ankles and feet silky smooth and perfectly moisturised. The product range retails from the small price of £4.99.

They also have their own gradual tan which is perfect for those wanting to tan at home. For beautifully hydrated, bronzed skin, use Cocoa Brown Gentle Bronze Gradual Tan to achieve a natural sun kissed glow. This Gradual Tan can be used to both moisturise your skin and give you a hint of colour taking you from a light glow to a ‘Gentle Bronze’.

We hope these tips help you get a flawless application!

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