admin October 4, 2013

UNEMPLOYED? – Stay optimistic!!

Sadly, many of us have or will experience unemployment and no matter how these circumstances might come about, one thing you can definitely maintain is a positive, hopeful outlook. Here’s how…

  1. Stick to a routine at least 5 days a week. Get up at the same time each day and make the business of job searching your current job!
  2. Set yourself (job specific) targets to inspire self-motivation. Outline them on paper and place them somewhere you will see them each morning.
  3. Write down tasks to help achieve your targets. Keep them attainable, within your reach and relevant to your desired job.
  4. Create several CVs for each type of job you seek and use ‘buzzwords’ which mimic those used by employers in job specifications. E.g. “Must have hotel management experience”.
  5. Ask friends/family, or your partner, to go through interview techniques with you. They can take on an employer’s role during a mock interview and provide you with constructive feedback 
  6. Be realistic about your goals and be patient. Keep your standards high and your expectations real.
  7. Ensure you stay focused and committed as you would during a paid job.
  8. Remember your overall aim – to gain employment so as to receive a regular income which will enable the bills to be paid and pay for a social life. Maybe even pay for a holiday once or twice a year
  9. Take a break from your job search routine whenever you (honestly) feel that you need to.

10. Don’t give up! Only you can secure employment for yourself, so be confident, have faith and stay positive!

Written by @msCJ80

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