Nowadays is always more difficult to feel good about ourselves and our personality. Sometimes we feel constantly at the wrong place, we think we are bad person and as no one will never like us. The truth is that people don’t like us because we don’t like ourselves. What do you see in the mirror? If you continue seeing a bad person, full of shortcomings, ugly, too fat or too thin, with a totally unsuitable face, a terrible noise and all the other nonsense things your mind think, people will start have this concept of you and you will start being frightened by the people and their judgements, opinions and their critics. They hurt you so much that you convince yourself you are a person even worse that you thought and this chain can repeat forever if you don’t decide to change your mind.

It depends all on you, on the idea that you have of yourself. You HAVE to become more self-confident! But pay attention: becoming more secure of how you are doesn’t mean you have to hide your real personality to be appreciated. You don’t have to look like a confident person who isn’t afraid of anything.

It’s useless to appear strong outside and being weak inside. You have to accept yourself for what you are, with all your insecureties. It will be not easy at the beginning, but you can do it. Try changing your point of view: for example, shyness isn’t always a bad thing; sometimes it will be appreciated more a shy person that an impudent one. Wake up in the morning, look at the mirror and say: “I’m beautiful today!” Start believing in what you have just said. Go out, walk around and don’t be scared of people watching you. Maybe they are thinking that you are beautiful. And if they don’t, there is no problem: you can’t please everyone. Start thinking that you are a very good person and that you wouldn’t want to be anyone other than yourself. Repeat yourself: “It’s fantastic being me!” You are perfect exactly how you are. And when you will start believing it, all the world will see it. Try it!

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