The rental market for caravans is definitely not new. Businesseshave flourished over the decades and has been proven a lucrative market. What we also see, however, is a large portion of the market still buying their own private caravans. How often are these caravans utilised? It turns out that this is only a few weeks per year on average. The reaming weeks? Pure idle time! People store the caravan in their garage or at a nearby shed from a farmer. Camptoo thought this can be different; why not getting the maximum potential out of these vehicles?

Camptoo: the Airbnb of private caravan hire

Camptoo started a platform where private caravan owners could rent out their caravan to people who are interested. Looking for a caravan for your holiday? No need to look further. Camptoo is offering competitive prices, significantly lower than those of rental companies. Another advantage is that you hire directly from the caravan owner. The platform is only asking for a small fee and also arranges additional elements such as insurance.

When can I use Camptoo?

Not only can the platform be used for booking your holidays, it is also possible to rent private caravans for other purposes. Planning to go to a festival? Sleeping in a tent is always an option, but for only a minor addition to your budget you can already take a caravan with you. This will result in better sleep, more storage and easy cooking from the camping.

Going for a road trip

Roadtrips are the ultimate getaway, traveling by car across the continent and going wherever you want. With a car you can bring your tent along or sleep in a hotel or Airbnb. Camptoo came up with a better solution: what if your vehicle is also your place to sleep? On the platform you can find numerous options of vans that include sleeping spots. For an attractive price you are able to hire these vans. Based on simple calculations, you can already see the potential for your holidays. If you take into account hotels and other stays, the van on Camptoo is very attractive for your roadtrip!

What if I own a caravan and want to rent it out?

Camptoo is there to help. With their vast network if visitors, your caravan can be rented out in no time. Besides a fee per night, you can also charge a fee for cleaning the caravan upon return. With this fee you can decide if you clean the caravan by yourself or hire a professional cleaning company. The latter option makes renting out your caravan completely hassle free, as Camptoo is also able to ensure the caravan and help you when needed.

Author Bio: Rajhu S Goraai is a Passionate Stock and Commodity Researcher. Travel addict and Photographer. Owner at Leading Business Blog. Connect him on Linkedin.

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